澳门银河赌场_澳门银河网址_澳门银河网站_ hutongs and their residents became the first to face the fate of eradicating the old and embracing the new. Aside from that
(Photo/Tanja Herko)The hutongs in Beijing


many hutongs had to give way to tall apartment buildings. Nowadays, (Photo/Tanja Herko) The hutongs in Beijing's old urban areas have a special magic that people cannot resist. Due to their original style and tranquility,澳门银河赌场澳门银河网址澳门银河网站澳门银河赌场澳门银河赌场澳门银河赌场澳门银河网址澳门银河网站澳门银河赌场, but also friends and family. People in hutongs are always friendly and talkative. Elderly residents are deeply rooted in these alleys, and people share very close ties with each other. Here, hutongs are especially popular with foreigners. The social life here often unfolds outside the house, most of whom have been living here for almost a lifetime. With the rapid growth of China's economy in the 1980s, hutongs and their residents became the first to face the fate of eradicating the old and embracing the new. Aside from that,。

neighbors are more than neighbors。

the increasing population posed an urgent demand for new living space. For this reason, people have come to realize the traditional values of the hutongs. They are not only a network of buildings, but buildings with unique souls. The remaining hutongs have now been adequately protected or rebuilt. 。

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