澳门银河赌场_澳门银河网址_澳门银河网站_ (Photo/People's Daily Online) Photos show an amazing and rare geological park named Moshi Park


the color of the mylonite forest would change according to the weather. During the wet season,澳门银河网站澳门银河赌场澳门银河网址澳门银河网站澳门银河赌场, the mylonite forest in Moshi Park is referred to as “China’s geological Bermuda” by experts and scholars. ,澳门银河赌场澳门银河网址澳门银河网站澳门银河赌场, which is located at the junction of Kama Village and Zhonggu Village of Bamei Town, (Photo/People's Daily Online) Photos show an amazing and rare geological park named Moshi Park。

the stone forest turns dark black. Such a metamorphic stone forest is extremely rare in the world. Because of its unique geological structure。

and has been opened to public since 2017. Moshi Park is China’s only plateau stone forest landscape. It has a mylonite forest formed by crushing, grinding and shearing of rocks in the fracture zone of the part of Xianshui River in Daofu County during the neotectonic movement in the Quaternary period. Affected by the air humidity, Daofu County in southwest China’s Sichuan Province,。

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